Social and Cultural Diversity

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G.2 Social and Cultural Diversity - studies that provide an understanding of the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural society, including all of the following:

  1. multicultural and pluralistic trends, including characteristics and concerns within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally;
  2. attitudes, beliefs, understandings, an acculturative experiences, including specific experiential learning activities designed to foster students’ understanding of self and culturally diverse clients;
  3. theories of multicultural counseling, identity development, and social justice;
  4. individual, couple, family, group, and community strategies for working with and advocating for diverse populations, including multicultural competencies;
  5. counselors’ roles in developing cultural self-awareness, promoting cultural social justice, advocacy and conflict resolution, and other culturally supported behaviors that promote optimal wellness and growth of the human spirit, mind, or body; and
  6. counselors’ roles in eliminating biases, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.


1. Protocol Developmental Presentation 

Click here to Download Protocol Presentation Refugees Part 1.pdf

Click here to Download Protocol Presentation Refugees Part 2.pdf

Click here to Download Protocol Presentation Refugees Part 3.pdf

Click here to Download Protocol Presentation Refugees Part 4.pdf

I collaborated with fellow students to develop a presentation on the protocol for working with Refugees including an overview, relevant information, identity models, legal rights, clinical interventions, and resources available to Refugees. Additionally, we included the cultural/racial/identity implications to be considered and how to address those implications in counseling. 

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