Helping Relationships

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G.5 Helping Relationships: Studies that provide an understanding of the counseling process in a multicultural society, including all of the following:

  1. an orientation to wellness and prevention as desired counseling goals;
  2. counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence helping processes;
  3. essential interviewing and counseling skills;
  4. counseling theories that provide the student with models to conceptualize client presentation and that help the student select appropriate counseling interventions. Students will be exposed to models of counseling that are consistent with current professional research and practice in the field so they begin to develop a personal model of counseling;
  5. a systems perspective that provides an understanding of family and other systems theories and major models of family and related interventions;
  6. a general framework for understanding and practicing consultation; and crisis intervention and suicide prevention models, including the use of Psychological first aid strategies


1. Counseling Theories Paper Click here to Download Counseling Theory.pdf

Choosing a theoretical orientation and reflecting upon it, I provided an overview of cognitive behavioral therapy including the founding theorists, philosophy of the theory, goals of therapy, counselor-client relationship and techniques. l addressed how this theory aligns with my philosophy of human nature, belief about change, therapeutic relationships, techniques and counseling style. 

2. Personal Counseling Model

Click here to download Integrated Personal Theoretical Orientation Project Chapter Two.pdf

I considered the four main theoretical lenses: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, and Constructivist. I identified tenets of each of these lenses that fit well with my personal philosophy and tenets that do not.

Click here to download Integrated Personal Theoretical Orientation Project Chapter Three.pdf

I described my personal theoretical orientation and how it has evolved. I included diagnostic relevance and how it fits into my model. I discussed how I view client change and motivation for change according to my theoretical orientation. I described my role and function as a counselor including my therapeutic relationship with clients and techniques I currently use. Lastly, I discuss how I plan to implement my theoretical orientation into my future career.

3. Parent Education Project

Click here to download IPV Parent Education Project.pdf 

Click here to download Parent Education Project Outline.pdf

I created a 90 minute Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) psychoeducational seminar presentation for use in parent/adult education. I included a clear description of IPV and a detailed outline of content and structure for the seminar.

4. Case Conceptualization Click here to download Case Conceptualization .pdf

I identified a challenging client case that I was not able to easily conceptualize and developed a case conceptualization to help me learn how to better effectively provide treatment for this client. 

5. Counseling Practice Video

Volunteer Informed Consent Click here to download Volunteer's Signed Informed Consent.pdf

Session Transcript Click here to download Portfolio Video Transcript.pdf

I videotaped a 30-minuted counseling session with a volunteer undergraduate student from Psychology 344. The purpose of this videotaped counseling session is to demonstrate my competence in the following areas: basic counseling skills, core conditions, conceptualization of the problem, effectiveness, theory, and professionalism.

 6. Practicum and Internship Logs 

Click here to download Practicum Hours Log.pdf

Click here to download Summer Quarter Hours Log.pdf

Click here to download Winter Quarter Hours Log.pdf

Click here to download Fall Quarter Hours Log.pdf 




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