Getting Started: Canvas Basics
Account Settings and Inbox
The pages in this module provide information about your account settings, the Canvas Inbox, and general technology requirements.
Setting your Notifications
By default, your notifications will go to your email address. If you would like your notifications to go to an additional email address and/or if you would like to add notifications via text message, you can add these options to your notification preferences in the Account tool on the left of the page and then choose "Settings". Once you are on the Settings page, you will see a place to the right of the page to add a new email address or an "Other Contact" which would be your cell phone number if you would like text messages.
TIP: An important thing to note is that students set their own notification preferences. They can choose what notifications they want to receive immediately, daily, weekly, or not at all.
Adding your Profile Picture
Whenever you send a message in the Canvas Inbox, post to a Discussion, or send an Announcement your message or post will feature your profile picture. It is very helpful to have a picture there so students easily recognize what messages are coming from you versus what messages are coming from classmates.
To add a profile picture, click Account and choose "Profile." Click the grey placeholder profile picture icon to get a pop-up window where you can add your picture. Click the Upload a Picture tab and either choose a picture or drag one from your desktop and drop it into the uploader. Canvas will automatically store a copy of the new profile picture in your personal files.
The Canvas Inbox
An important thing to note about the Canvas Inbox (called Conversations) is that your Inbox is linked to all of your courses. Messages from all of your courses appears in the same inbox. Your Canvas Inbox will also forward to your EWU email and you can respond in your EWU email without going into Canvas.